You can plan your life and set all the goals in the World, but the World has a not so strange way of doing the opposite. Do you work for happiness or should you make happiness work for you, I think the latter. As a chef as in life you strive to always improve and learn, hoping to drive your career to meet your goal, then you start again for the next goal. Is life just a continuum for improving your knowledge/ skill and looking for the next best job with bigger salary and or job title?” Knowledge is power” they say, and I believe it is, without knowledge what are we doing with our lives. Some believe in things like Faith or Karma to guide them. But without knowledge your just waiting ... Make the changes in your life that feel right and follow your dreams, at least you tried. Is there a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, I think not, but you can sure have a hell of a ride getting there..
Chicken Chebeh
These may just looklike meatballs, though a traditional Arabic Meatball at that.. Lightly spiced chicken mince, stuffed with a sweet caramelized onion, sour black lemon, poached in spiced fresh tomato and sour tamarind sauce....
Oh how very true Paul. Everything was going as planned, then BOOM, Restaurant was closed, i broke my back, and we had our son, all after buying our house and my wife planning to get out of the Navy. After this wonderful curve ball, Jess is still in the navy, our house is rented out, my back is still broken and we are monitoring our son for a neurological disorder. But i would not want it any other way. the good and bad in our lives is what make us who we are. Had i not had the chance and opportunity to work with you all in Bahrain, i would never have met the best thing that has happened to me in years.